Please note: The English translation of the Go-Etna Terms and Conditions is provided for the convenience of our non Italian-speaking customers. Regardless of this, only the original Italian-language version is legally binding.
Dear Customer, Below are the general and specific conditions governing the sales contract for the tourist package you are purchasing.
This document presents and determines the contractual relationship between you or the customer and „Sicily Action Srl“ located in Via Fiuggi sn – San Giovanni La Punta (CT), CAP 95037, Tel. +390958998743, Fax +39 0958880193, info @ sicilyaction. com, with regular Authorization issued by the Sicily Region Tourism, Sport and Entertainment Department License DDS n ° 3451S7 and Insurance policy number 78898681 issued by Allianz SpA
1. Legislation.
The sale of the tourist package is governed by the Tourism Code, and in particular by the articles 32-51-novies as amended by Legislative Decree of May 21, 2018 n.62, of transposition and implementation of the EU Directive 2015/2302 as well as of the provisions of the civil code regarding service contracts where applicable.
2. Definitions.
For the purposes of this contract we mean by:
a) travel organizer / tour operator: the person who undertakes in his own name and for a flat-rate fee to procure tourist packages for third parties, realizing the combination of elements pursuant to art. 34 of the Tourism Code or by offering customers the possibility of autonomously creating and purchasing this combination through a remote communication system;
b) seller: the person who, even not professionally and non-profit, sells or undertakes to procure tourist packages for third parties pursuant to the aforementioned art. 34 of the Tourism Code towards a lump sum payment or individual unbundled tourist services;
c) customer or tourist: it is the buyer of a tourist package or any person to be named as long as it meets all the conditions required for the use of the service on whose behalf the principal contractor undertakes to purchase a tourist package without remuneration;
d) travel contract: it consists of general conditions, any specific conditions agreed from time to time between the parties, catalog and brochure;
e) tourist service:
1) passenger transport;
2) Accommodation that is not an integral part of passenger transport and is not intended for residential purposes, or for long-term language courses;
3) the rental of cars, other motor vehicles pursuant to the decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport 28 April 2008, published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic n. 162 of 12 July 2008, or of motorcycles requiring a category A driving license, pursuant to Legislative Decree 2/2013;
4) any other tourist service that is not an integral part of one of the tourist services referred to in numbers 1), 2) or 3), and is not a financial or insurance service;
f) package: the combination of at least two different types of tourist services for the same trip or holiday, if at least one of the following conditions is met:
1) these services are combined by a single professional, even at the request of the traveler or according to his selection, before a single contract is concluded for all services;
2) these services, even if concluded with separate contracts with individual providers of tourist services, are:
2.1) purchased at a single point of sale and selected before the traveler consents to payment; 2.2) offered, sold or invoiced at a flat-rate or global price;
2.3) advertised or sold under the name „package“ or similar name;
2.4) combined after the conclusion of a contract with which the professional allows the traveler to choose between a selection of different types of tourist services, or purchased from separate professionals through connected online booking processes where the name of the traveler, the details of the payment and e-mail address are transmitted by the professional with whom the first contract is concluded to one or more professionals and the contract with the latter or these professionals is concluded at the latest 24 hours after confirming the booking of the first service tourist.
3. Reservations.
Bookings and payments will take place mainly in electronic form after having prepared the appropriate form, filled in all its parts and signed by the customer virtually, after having accepted the conditions and uses.Bookings may be made in electronic form as well as by telephone, but these will be deemed confirmed and accepted only upon payment of the lump sum payment for the service purchased and the completion of the appropriate form. The acceptance of the reservation is subject to the availability of the seats and the contract is considered completed only in the moment and in the place where the organizer will provide written confirmation. Reservations can be made at Siciliy Action Srl headquarters in Via Fiuggi sn – San Giovanni La Punta (CT), ZIP code 95037 or via Tel. +390958998743 and Fax +39 0958880193, via the website / / / / / or via the following e-mail address [email protected]
4. Content of the contract.
At the time of conclusion of the tourist package sales contract or, in any case, as soon as possible, the organizer or seller will provide the customer with a copy or confirmation of the contract on a durable medium. If the tourist package sales contract was stipulated at the same time as the physical presence of the parties, the customer will receive a paper copy of the contract.
5. Customer information.
Before the start of the trip the organizer communicates the following information to the customer:
1) the destination, the means, the type, the transport category used;
2) the accommodation in a hotel or other type of accommodation, the exact location with particular regard to the distance from the main tourist attractions of the place, the category or level and the main features with particular regard to the quality standards offered, its approval and classification of the host State;
3) meals provided including or not;
4) the itinerary;
5) the language in which the services are provided;
6) if the trip or vacation or service requested is suitable for persons with reduced mobility and, at the request of the traveler, precise information on the suitability of the trip or vacation that takes into account the needs of the traveler;
7) visits, excursions or other services included in the total agreed price of the package;
8) general information concerning the conditions regarding passports and visas, including approximate times for obtaining visas, and the health formalities of the destination country;
9) the total price of the package inclusive of taxes and all the rights, taxes and other additional costs, including any administrative and file management fees;
10) the payment methods, including the possible amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a down payment and the deadlines for the payment of the balance;
11) information on the right for the traveler to withdraw from the contract at any time before the start of the package upon payment of adequate withdrawal fees;
12) the minimum number of persons required for the package and the deadline referred to in Article 41, paragraph 5, letter a), before the start of the package for the possible termination of the contract in the event of failure to reach the number;
13) the details of the insurance coverage referred to in Article 47, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Legislative Decree 79/2011.
6. Payments.
6.1 Terms of payment
To proceed with the online conclusion of a travel contract, the customer must pay:
1) any registration fee or practice management;
2) deposit up to a maximum of 30% of the price of the tourist package based on the price published in the catalog or in the brochure or in the quotation of the package provided by the organizer on the site or of the price agreed with the organizer based on the services requested . The balance must be paid within the deadline indicated by the organizer in its catalog or in the booking confirmation of the requested tourist service / package or if no deadline is set, at least 30 days before departure. Failure to pay constitutes an express termination clause such as to determine by the organizer the legal termination which will be communicated in writing by e-mail to the customer. Having received the customer’s booking request, Sicily Action S.r.l. will communicate to the same the amount to be paid and reserves the right to indicate from time to time the payment methods which may be different from those indicated above.
6.2 Payment methods:
1) The payment methods are indicated during the booking phase and may vary according to the package and / or service proposed. Generally the payment methods are: In cash, with credit card, debit card, bank transfer, paypal and company vouchers if agreed.
6.3 Additional costs by payment method:
1) PAYPAL payment method have an additional management cost equal to 4% of the total amount of the services booked, this management cost is not refundable under any circumstances, even if the reservation and / or service is canceled within the cancellation terms free;
2) All other payment methods (except paypal) do not involve additional management costs;
7. Price.
The price of the package / tourist service is determined in the contract, with reference to what is indicated in the catalog or information brochure or on the website of the organizer. The price may undergo changes due to changes in transport costs (for example fuel costs), air transport fees and taxes, landing rights, landing or boarding fees in ports and airports, exchange rates applied to the requested service / package. For these changes, reference will be made to the exchange rate and the prices in effect on the date of publication of the program or on the date shown on the organizer’s website. The price cannot be increased by the organizer in the 20 days preceding the departure or the day of the excursion or service requested; in any case, the revision will not exceed 8% of the original price. The price consists of:
a) any registration fee or management fee;
b) participation fee as indicated in the catalog, in the brochure, on the website of the organizer or determined by the same on the basis of the services requested by the client;
c) possible cost of insurance policies against the risks of cancellation and / or medical expenses or other requested services;
d) cost of visas and entrance and exit fees from the countries of the holiday;
e) airport and / or port charges and taxes. The prices indicated unless otherwise indicated and / or communicated are to be understood per person and include VAT. Local taxes and tips are excluded.
8. Change or cancellation of the tourist package before departure.
The organizer reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions of this contract in cases where the change has little importance and this change is promptly communicated to the customer by e-mail or in different ways established by the organizer. In the case of significant changes in relation to the services referred to in art. 34 paragraph 1 letter. a) or in cases where the organizer cannot satisfy the customer’s requests already accepted by him or propose to increase the requested package / service price by more than 8%, the customer may decide to accept the proposed change or withdraw from the contract without charges. In cases where the customer does not accept the proposed change, the organizer may offer the customer a replacement or equivalent package / service. All communications will be provided in a clear and precise manner by e-mail to the customer; the customer communicates his choice to the organizer within two working days from the moment he received the notice of modification. In cases where the customer does not send any communication via e-mail to the organizer, the proposal formulated and communicated by the same will be considered accepted. In case of withdrawal from the sales contract for the reasons mentioned above, in the event that the customer has not accepted a replacement package / service, the organizer will reimburse without justified delay and in any case within 14 days from the request for reimbursement the price already paid by the customer.No compensation for failure to perform the contract will be due in cases where:
1) the cancellation of the package / service depends on the failure to reach the minimum number of participants;
2) the organizer demonstrates that the lack of conformity is due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances;
3) the organizer demonstrates that the lack of conformity is attributable to the customer or to a third party unrelated to the provision of tourist services included in the package travel contract and is unpredictable or inevitable.
9. Customer withdrawal.
The customer can withdraw from the contract without paying penalties in the following cases:
1) increase in the price of the package / service in an amount exceeding 8%;
2) significant modification of one or more elements of the contract objectively configurable as fundamental for the purposes of the use of the package / service considered as a whole and proposed by the organizer after the conclusion of the contract itself but before departure and not accepted by the traveler;
3) the organizer cannot satisfy the specific requests formulated by the traveler and already accepted by the same. In these cases the customer can decide whether to accept the change proposed by the organizer or request the return of the amount already paid. The customer who withdraws from the contract before departure for any unexpected or unexpected reason will be charged the following costs:
1) individual cost of practical management;
2) payment of insurance coverage required at the time of conclusion of the contract;
3) fee for services already rendered;
4) the penalties with the percentages indicated below (except for more restrictive conditions due to high season or full occupancy of the facilities. The different conditions will be communicated to the client during the estimate phase before the conclusion of the contract):
a) up to 30 days before the departure date for all tourist packages and for all the services requested, the customer may withdraw without paying any penalty;
b) in the 30 days preceding the departure for all tourist packages and for all the services requested, the customer can withdraw by paying a penalty equal to 50% of the agreed price for the tourist package and the requested service.
For departures or services required to be held between December 1 and January 7, the following penalties will be provided instead
a) 50% of the participation fee up to 60 days from the departure date for all packages / services requested;
b) 75% of the participation fee from 59 to 40 days from the departure date for all packages / services requested;
c) 100% of the participation fee for cancellations received in the last 39 days from the departure date for all packages / services requested.
The days must be considered working days, therefore with the exception of public holidays, the day of departure and the day relative to the communication of the cancellation must also be excluded. No reimbursement will be due to the client who does not show up at the departure or who renounces during the course of the package / service / journey or presents himself without documents or travel documents. In the case of pre-established groups the penalties will be agreed from time to time before the contract is signed.
10. Changes requested by the customer.
Any changes requested by the customer after the conclusion of the contract do not bind the organizer if they are not approved by them in writing. The costs related to the change request regarding the place of departure or performance of the requested service, treatment and hotel complex, changes in dates and length of stay, rentals, will be communicated to the customer and will be considered by the customer accepted if he does not communicate otherwise. in writing to the organizer within two days of approval of the change by the organizer.
11. Customer replacement.
The customer can assign the tourist package sales contract to a person who meets all the conditions for the use of the service, upon prior notice given to the organizer on a durable medium no later than seven days before the start of the requested package / service . The transferor and the transferee of the tourist package sales contract or of the requested service are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the balance of the price and any other rights, taxes and other additional costs, including any administrative and case management costs, resulting from this transfer. The organizer informs the transferor of the costs of the transfer and provides the transferor with proof of the rights, taxes or other additional costs resulting from the transfer of the contract. Additional methods and conditions of substitution may be indicated in the information brochure or on the organizer’s website.
12. Hotel classification.
The official classification of hotel facilities is provided in the catalog or in other information material or on the website only based on the express and formal indications of the competent authorities of the country in which the service is provided. In the absence of official classifications recognized by the competent Public Authorities of the EU Member States to which the service refers, or in the case of structures marketed as a „Tourist Village“, the organizer reserves the right to provide his own description in the catalog or in the brochure. of the receptive structure, such as to allow an assessment and consequent acceptance of the same by the customer.
13. Customer’s obligations.
The customer, in compliance with the obligations of correctness (art. 1175 cc) and good faith (art. 1375 cc), informs the organizer, promptly, of any lack of conformity detected during the execution of the tourist service provided by the sales contract of package tour or service required. If one of the tourist services is not performed as stipulated in the sales contract, the organizer remedies the lack of conformity, unless this proves impossible or is excessively burdensome, taking into account the extent of the lack of conformity and the value of the services affected by the defect. If the organizer does not remedy the defect, the traveler has the right to a price reduction as well as compensation for the damage he has suffered as a result of the lack of conformity, unless the organizer proves that the lack of conformity is attributable to the traveler or to a third party unrelated to the provision of tourist services or is inevitable or unforeseeable or due to extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances. During the negotiations and in any case before the conclusion of the contract, Italian citizens are provided with general information regarding the passport and visa conditions, including approximate times for obtaining visas and the health formalities of the destination country . For the regulations concerning the expatriation of Italian minors, please refer specifically to what is indicated on the website of the State Police. It should be noted, however, that minors must be in possession of an individual document valid for travel abroad (passport, or for EU countries, identity card valid for travel abroad indicating parents‘ names). Children under the age of 14 and minors for whom the Authorization issued by the Judicial Authority is necessary, the prescriptions indicated on the website of the State Police must be followed foreign citizens they must be in possession of an individual passport and any entry visa and will be able to find the necessary and up-to-date information through their diplomatic representations in Italy and / or the respective official government information channels. Before departure, customers will check with the competent authorities (for Italian citizens the local Police Headquarters or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the website or the Telephone Operations Center at 06.491115) that their documents are in compliance with the instructions provided and to adapt in good time before the start of the package / service. In the absence of such verification, no responsibility for the missed departure of one or more travelers can be attributed to the organizer or the seller. The client must the organizer and the seller of his / her own citizenship before the booking request and, at the time of departure, they must make sure they are in possession of the vaccination certificates, the individual passport and any other document valid for all the countries touched by the itinerary , as well as residence, transit and health certificates that may be required. In order to be able to assess the socio-political, health and safety situation and any other useful information relating to the countries and places of destination and in their immediate vicinity and, therefore, the objective usability of the services purchased or to be purchased and the possible substantial impact on the execution of the package, the customer will have the burden of assuming the official information of a general nature at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and disseminated through the Farnesina’s institutional website (by clicking on “travel safe inquire” and then choose the modules „Countries“, „traveling health“ and „warnings“). The above information cannot be contained in the organizers‘ catalogs – online or on paper – since they contain descriptive information of a general nature and not information subject to modification by official authorities. The traveler is bound by the principle of the diligence of the good father of a family to verify the correctness of his personal documents and of any minor, as well as to obtain valid documents for expatriation according to the rules of his State and the conventions that regulate the matter. The traveler must provide to complete the related formalities also considering that the seller or the organizer are not obliged to procure visas or documents. In those cases where the chosen destination on the date of booking results from institutional information channels, locations subject to „discouragement“ or „warning“ for security reasons, the traveler who subsequently had to exercise the withdrawal cannot invoke, for the purposes of the exemption or the reduction in the request for compensation for the withdrawal, the loss of the contractual cause connected to the security conditions of the country. Travelers must also comply with the rules of normal prudence and diligence and with those in force in the countries of destination, all the information provided to them by the organizer, as well as the regulations, administrative or legislative provisions relating to the tourist package / service required. Tourists will be called to answer for all the damages that the organizer and / or the seller had to suffer also because of the failure to comply with the obligations indicated above, including the expenses necessary for their repatriation. Furthermore, the organizer can demand from the traveler the payment of a reasonable cost for the assistance provided, if the problem is caused intentionally by the traveler or through his fault, within the limits of the expenses incurred. The traveler is obliged to provide the organizer or the seller with all the documents, information and elements in his possession that are useful for the exercise of the right of recourse against the subjects who have caused or contributed to the occurrence of the circumstances or the event from which the indemnity, price reduction, compensation or other obligations in question, as well as the subjects required to provide assistance and accommodation services under other provisions, are derived, in the event that the traveler cannot return to the place of departure , as well as for the exercise of the right of subrogation towards third parties responsible for the damage and is responsible towards the organizer of the damage caused to the right of subrogation.
14. Responsibility of the organizer.
The organizer is liable for damages caused to the traveler due to the total or partial non-performance of the contractually due services, whether they are performed by him personally or by third party service providers, unless he proves that the event is derived from the fact of the traveler (including initiatives taken independently by the latter during the execution of tourist services) or by the fact of a third party of an unforeseeable or unavoidable nature, by circumstances unrelated to the provision of the services provided for in the contract, by accident, by force major, or from circumstances that the organizer himself could not, according to professional diligence, reasonably foresee or resolve.
15. Compensation and prescription.
The compensation referred to in Articles 43 (Reduction of the price and compensation for damages) and 46 (Compensation for damaged vacation damages) of the Tourism Code and the related limitation periods, are governed by the provisions of the Code and in any case within the limits established by the International Conventions that regulate the services that they are the object of the tourist package as well as articles 1783 and 1784 of the civil code, with the exception of damage to the person not subject to a set limit. The right to the reduction of the price or to compensation for damages due to changes in the tourist package sales contract or the replacement package, is prescribed in two years starting from the date of return of the traveler to the place of departure. The right to compensation for personal injury shall expire in three years starting from the date of return of the traveler to the place of departure or in the longer period provided for compensation for personal injury from the provisions governing the services included in the package.
16. Organizer assistance.
The organizer provides adequate assistance to the client in difficulty by providing the appropriate information regarding health services, local authorities and consular assistance and assisting the traveler in making communications at a distance and helping him find alternative tourist services. The organizer can demand the payment of a reasonable cost for such assistance if the problem is caused intentionally by the traveler or through his fault, within the limits of the expenses actually incurred.
17. Day trips and tours.
All day trips and tours offered by Sicily Action Srl are subject to availability; they can be moved or canceled in the event of adverse meteorological and / or volcanological conditions, failure to reach the minimum number of six participants. If on the day of the excursion the driver (driver) waits for the customer to meet more than 20 minutes from the agreed time, the reservation will be considered „no-show“ and will not be reimbursed.Depending on both the weather conditions and the other factors that could in any way compromise the tour, the organizer may, at its sole discretion until the start of the excursion, modify both the itinerary and the duration of the excursion being in the faculty of the customer exclusively the one who refuses the different supply offered obtaining exclusively the reimbursement of the price paid.
18. Responsibility and release.
Participants in excursions or other activities are required to comply with the instructions provided by carers, not to leave the group, to not endanger their own safety and that of the rest of the group, to respect nature by avoiding any kind of damage to the environment surrounding. The organizers or accompanying persons will inform the participants of the methods of carrying out the excursions or other activities, the rules and safety measures to be observed, the level of difficulty and the recommended equipment. Sicily Action Srl will not be held responsible for any damage to persons and / or things caused by the participant who has not followed the directions of the organizer or companion, or has not observed the rules of good behavior, or has carried out the excursion or activity with negligent or imprudent conduct. The tour leader, at his sole discretion, may decide to interrupt the excursion or activity if he deems it necessary for his own or others‘ safety in order to always guarantee the maximum level of safety. Sicily Action Srl is not able to judge the state of health of the participant and if he is able or not to participate in the excursion / activity, therefore, by booking and subsequently adhering to the excursion / activity, the participant declares under his own responsibility to have previously informed of the characteristics and difficulties of the excursion, of having assessed that it is in conformity with its technical capabilities and physical aptitudes, that it has known and accepted the proposed program, that it has adequate and efficient equipment and that it is in a psychophysical condition suitable for carrying out the excursion / activity, to have taken note of the information on the risks (foreseeable and unforeseeable), on the safety and conduct of the excursion / activity, including the level of difficulty and the recommended equipment, knowingly assuming the risks. In cases of participation in excursions / activities of minors, those who exercise parental authority will be required to declare, assuming responsibility for this, the suitability of the minor for sporting and recreational activities and psychophysical integrity. Participants who are affected by any type of allergy must be provided with antihistamines and any other support they need. Participants who follow drug therapy must have their personal medications. In any case, the participant must inform the organizer or guide before the excursion / activity of each of his health problems. During the excursion the participant undertakes to behave in a disciplined manner, inspired by mutual respect and good education, collaborating with carers and other members of the group of participants in order to ensure the success of the excursion and to guarantee everyone maximum safety, use maximum caution especially on exposed and dangerous routes, so as not to put your own and others‘ safety at risk. The participant is also aware that excursions / activities in the natural environment are subject to dangers that involve risks and with their participation in the excursion, they personally take on all the risks, as well as the responsibility for the damage they can cause, directly or indirectly, to others and / or things.In consideration of the risks and dangers inherent in the activity / excursion, by accepting the general conditions of sale the participant relieves Sicily Action Srl, the organizers and accompanying persons, of any responsibility for any accidents of any nature that may occur during the course of the same. In excursions / activities with off-road vehicles, the participant cannot smoke on board the vehicle and cannot carry dangerous goods, ammunition and weapons of war on board. All excursions / activities offered by Sicily Action Srl are covered by insurance. The insurance does not cover any damage to the person, to third parties or to things, in the event that these are attributable to negligent, imprudent and non-observant behavior of the basic safety rules and good conduct.Sicily Action Srl is not liable for any damage to the person, to third parties or to things that may occur in accommodation facilities not owned by him. In this case the participant will be responsible for checking the insurance conditions of the chosen facility. For any other information regarding the excursion / activity on Etna it is advisable to read up on the website -> activities on risks -> volcanic risk -> volcanoes in Italy -> Etna).Etna it is advisable to read up on the website -> risk activities -> volcanic risk -> volcanoes in Italy -> Etna).Etna it is advisable to read up on the website -> risk activities -> volcanic risk -> volcanoes in Italy -> Etna).
19. Insurance against cancellation and repatriation costs.
At the time of booking, it is advisable to take out special insurance policies against the expenses deriving from the cancellation of the package, from accidents and / or illnesses or from covering any repatriation costs and for the loss and / or damage to the luggage. . The rights deriving from the insurance contracts must be exercised by the traveler directly with the insurance companies stipulating, under the conditions and in the manner provided for in the same policies.
20. Insurance policy in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the organizer.
In place of the Guarantee Fund and in compliance with the provisions of Article 47 of the Tourism Code as last amended by Legislative Decree 62/2018, transposing and implementing EU Directive 2015/2302, the organizer has an insurance policy in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy. The policy was stipulated with Nobis Compagnia di Assicurazioni SpA n. 6006000838 / G.
21. Means of alternative dispute resolution.
Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 67 Tourism Code the organizer may propose to the customer (through catalog, brochure or on the website or in other forms) alternative resolution methods for disputes arising. In this case the organizer will indicate the type of alternative resolution proposed and the effects that such membership entails.
22. Court of jurisdiction.
For any dispute concerning this contract, the competent Court is exclusively that of the Court of Catania.
Regulatory provisions. The contracts concerning the offer of the transport service only, the only service of stay, or any other separate tourist service, not being able to configure as a case of negotiation of travel organization or tourist package, do not enjoy the protections provided for of travelers by European Directive 2015/2302.
In any case, the aforementioned provisions in points 3 (reservations), 6 (payments), 13 (customer obligations) 9 (customer withdrawal) 10 (changes requested by the customer) 17 (excursions and daily trips) 18 ( responsibility and release) 19 (jurisdiction).
Under Article 13 of the General European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 679/2016 we inform you that the provision of your personal data is necessary to allow the conclusion and execution of the travel contract. Personal data will be processed manually and / or electronically in compliance with current legislation. Any refusal will make it impossible to finalize and consequently execute the contract. Here are some of your rights: 1) the right to request access to your personal data; 2) the correction of personal data; 3) the cancellation of personal data; 4) the limitation of the processing of personal data; 5) opposition to the processing of personal data; 6) the portability of personal data; 7) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
For more information on the processing of your data by the organizer, please refer to the specific privacy policy section on the website.
Italian law punishes with imprisonment crimes concerning prostitution and child pornography, even if committed abroad.
Sicily Action Srl
Via Fiuggi sn
95037, San Giovanni La Punta (CT)
Tel. +39 0958998743
VAT: IT05304190878
REA: CT-357256
Capitale sociale EUR 10.000 i.v.
General info:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Autorizzazione Regione Sicilia
Assessorato turismo, sport e spettacolo
Licenza D.D.S. n° 3451S7
Liability insurance:
Nr.: 78898681
Copyright © 2019 Go-Etna
All rights reserved
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Notice of Liability
All information and details have been carefully researched and prepared. However, Go-Etna / go InSicily does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. Any damage that is directly or indirectly related to the use, misuse or functionality of this WWW server or the information offered therein accepts Go-Etna / go InSicily no liability. References to other Internet sites should not be construed as a recommendation for the company, its products or services.
All trademarks are rights to the respective owners.